传统理念中存在的孕妇摄取营养误区2022-03-01 10:23






  这种观点并不完全正确,因为孕妇配方奶是根据孕妇的营养特点专门设计的,符合胎儿快速生长发育的营养要求,在很多孕妇奶粉中都特别添加了一些营养素:双歧因子可促进孕妇的肠道益生菌增殖,调节消化吸收功能;DHA可促过胎儿的脑发育及视神经发育;叶酸可预防胎儿神经管畸形; 胡萝卜素可提高孕妇的免疫力,并促进胎儿的视力发育;维生素E可增强胎儿对缺氧的耐受性,并在产后促进乳汁分泌;鲜牛奶中钙磷比例不适宜,不利于肠道对钙的吸收。而且现在大部分孕妇奶粉都是低脂配方,不仅有利于产后身体恢复,还可减少妊娠纹的产生。因此孕妇喝孕妇配方奶粉要优于鲜奶,而且最好从准备怀孕时或孕前三个月开始喝。




  The first thing you need to do is to drink bone broth. The reason is that bone calcium is not easily dissolved in the soup and not easily absorbed by the stomach The reason is that bone calcium is not easily dissolved in the soup and not easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines, and too much bone soup can cause discomfort due to greasiness. Foods rich in calcium include: beans, soy products, dairy and dairy products, kelp, shrimp skin, Foods rich in calcium include: beans, soy products, dairy and dairy products, kelp, shrimp skin, sardines, spinach, eggs, duck eggs, etc. and milk powder for pregnant women are ideal sources of calcium for pregnant women and women preparing for The above is the introduction of the term "calcium".

  The above is the introduction of "nutrition for pregnant women", for reference only. There are many misconceptions about nutrition for pregnant women, There are many misconceptions about nutrition for pregnant women, so we should learn to refer to the good ones and remove the ones that are not good for our health to ensure that our children and ourselves are healthy. If you have any other questions about nutrition for pregnant women, please consult our online experts to learn more.

  For more details, please visit the parenting topic or consult with the experts for free, who will give detailed answers according to the patient's The patient's specific situation.

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